【职业生涯】2008:这个故事终于引起了TV3“60 Minutes”的注意
|作者:毛 芃
2008年1月29日,我在《中文先驱报》头版发表了一篇题为“我不能让他们失望!”的报道。报道讲述了华人社会几个热心人士关心帮助洋人回头浪子Dave Gilmore、教他学习中国盆景艺术的故事。文章发表后引起了一些读者的积极反馈。
几年做记者的经验告诉我,象这样表现华人社会同主流社会积极互助的故事是个难得的好故事。于是便有心把这个故事推荐给主流媒体。但是几番努力都没有结果。后来承蒙一位曾在TV3 工作过的洋人朋友把我和这个故事推荐给该台的《60分钟时事》(60 Minutes) 栏目组,结果对方很感兴趣。3月下旬,该栏目组采访了这个故事的相关人员,并将这个节目制作完成。在协助该节目制作期间,我不止一次听到洋人同行们说这个故事会“touch people’s hearts” (打动人心)。

2018年5月5日本周一晚7点半,TV3 《60分钟时事》播出这个名为“Shaping Up”的节目。 我当晚因赶着给报社做稿子,并没有看到该节目。但是星期二上午打开电脑,除了收到一位华人朋友谈他和太太看了这个节目的感受,不断收到的是“60 Minutes”制片人转发给我的洋人观众们写来的电子邮件。这个故事看来确实是打动了不少观众的心。从听众们发电子邮件的时间来看,一些人是当晚八点半看完节目后就立即写来他们的观后感。
写信的人中有认识Dave Gilmore多年的老朋友,有从前管教过Dave的警察,有跟Dave有类似经历的人;有热心人士知道Dave 受教育程度不高,想送他一些提高阅读水平的材料;还有人想知道教中国盆景艺术的杨老先生家的住址,想去参观一下中国盆景。最让人感慨的是MIT(Manukau 理工学院)的老师们因为“深受感动”而打算给Dave 一些实际的帮助。

第二天星期三,MIT告知”60 Minutes”该校决定为Dave Gilmore提供奖学金,让他免费学习园艺课程。考虑到Dave 受教育程度不高,MIT决定先请老师提高Dave 的识字和阅读水平。
在我看来,Dave目前很需要一份工作,需要一份能让他从经济窘境中摆脱出来的工作。他的太太生产在即,可是因为经济条件有限,他们住在一所房子的小地下室内,我在新西兰从来没有见过有人住在那么狭窄的地方,没有厨房,进入卧室的过道上摆了桌子、单人座旧沙发和一台微波炉就算是客厅兼厨房,卧室里除了一张双人床外几乎没有什么空间了。 不过,Dave家倒是摆放了不少小毛绒玩具,Dave告诉我说都是别人丢弃他捡来洗干净的。不知道是否是准备给即将出生的小BB。
希望这次“60 Minutes”的电视报道能给 Dave Gilmore他带来工作机会,给他的生活带来转机。
观众对这个电视节目的热烈反响让“60 Minutes”节目组很是高兴。听说他们还会做后续报道。我自然也非常欣慰,因为这个故事从见报到在制成电视节目播放,中间经过了很多、很长的过程。

1. What a wonderful tale. Great to see the courage of the Chinese family, and the struggle and courage of the guy himself, and his new wife.
It was an inspiring story . (not what I expect on a Monday night!!) Thanks.
2. Could you let me know the name of the Chinese gentleman in your story on Monday
05-05-08, and if it is possible to visit to look at his bonsai collection. Thank You.
3. My husband and I, both former police officers, have arrested Dave on numerous separate occasions when we worked in Auckland. We always found that he was not a bad bloke – just a bit of a nuisance when on the paint or glue.
The story about him touched us both. It gives me hope to think that, not only can a man like Dave find a better way of life, but that members of our communities can come together in such a positive way. Good on those who have given him this chance – I really hope he continues to make them proud.
4. I have known David since i was about 7 years old and his family. He has always had his ups and downs with drug abuse and being arrested but it is good to see that there is something out there that David has been offered or found to make him realize that there is better out there for him.
It was so good to see him well and doing awesomely, although I haven’t seen David for about 3 or 4 years.
5. I heard him (Dave) mention the fact he could not read well. I would like to donate a book to him which will help him on his journey to changing his life. It does not need a specialist tutor to work with him but if his partner is willing that would be great. It is used throughout the world with students struggling to read, a gift many of us take for granted. He is obviously trying to change his life and I am sure this book/ reading program, Toe by Toe, will be an immense help to him.
6. Great reporting 60 minutes. Deep down most people want to do well, for themselves and their families. Like the add they are only asking for understanding not sympathy.
It’s like the add ‘know them before you judge them.’ The Chinese man had it right. We need to help more people, full stop!
7. It’s great to see a story that demonstrates that even the most seemingly “hopeless cases” can change for the better given the right interventions & support.
8. Well Now ! A story with a positive outlook. I would like to applaud and congratulate “60 Minutes” for their story. It showed a number of positive issues, rather than negative things.
注:关于60 Minutes 节目
60 Minutes (《60分钟时事》)每周一晚7.30播出。由著名电视节目主持人Mike McRoberts先生主持。

60 Minutes 是美国的一个新闻杂志节目,由哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)1968年开始制作播出。由于节目制作品质精良,口碑上佳,成为美国知名的电视节目,英国、澳大利亚、纽西兰、葡萄牙、法国和台湾、香港的电视机构都先后获得授权制作同名节目。

新西兰TV3是在1989年开始播出节目,随后开始制作60 Minutes, 一个深度和综合性的时事报道节目,也是TV3的旗舰节目。1992年,新西兰国有电视台TVNZ从CBS那里获得制作同名节目的授权,从1993年到2002年,新西兰版的60 Minutes一直在TV1 播出。不过这之后,TVNZ不打算再更新节目冠名权,TV3于是重新获得制作这一节目的授权。
2007年,60 Miuntes 获得新西兰Qantas媒体大奖中的“最佳时事系列(Best Current Affairs Series)奖项”。